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Harrogate and Districts Travel and Weather

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AA Traffic and Route Planner

If you’re planning a journey, the AA Traffic News tool can help you to avoid delays caused by accidents and roadworks.

AA Route Planner is a navigation tool that helps you find the best route to your destination. It is widely used in the UK and Ireland by drivers who want to avoid traffic jams, roadworks, and other incidents on the road.

About route planner

Our recommended routes help you get there safely and easily, and they can even be tweaked to avoid traffic jams. If you spot a mistake or something that’s missing, please let us know. You can learn more in our Traffic and Travel Terms and Conditions.
Harrogate and Districts Travel and Weather

How local weather forecasts are created

Use the Met Office weather forecast page to find your local seven-day weather forecast.

Local forecasts (or site-specific forecasts) are regularly updated and make use of a range of weather models run on the Met Office supercomputer. They use a “best data” approach, whereby the most recent highest resolution model is used at any given forecast lead time.

Forecasts are updated hourly to include the most recent nowcast and any recently updated forecast models. This means that at any time, the most recent model data is available.

The site-specific forecasts themselves have to be extracted from horizontal gridded fields for a range of forecast parameters, including rainfall, temperature and wind speed. The extracted model data for each location goes through a series of post-processing procedures to make the forecast more specific to a particular location, hence the name “site-specific” forecasts.

Local forecasts for coastal sites can be more difficult to define than inland sites. For coastal sites, the weighting between the ‘land’ and ‘sea’ values varies with the direction of the wind. This means that forecast temperature and wind speed at Site B would be quite different depending on whether the wind is on- or off-shore.

This method is often referred to as “intelligent grid point selection”, whereby grid points with most similar characteristics to a specific location are given greater weighting in the final forecast.

Click Here for the Met Office local Harrogate Forecast

Click Here for the Met Office local Boroughbridge Forcast

Click Here for the Met Office local Knaresborough Forecast

Click Here for the Met Office local Masham Forecast

Click Here for the Met Office local Nidderdale

Click Here for the Met Office local Ripon Forecast

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